Akhirnya.. setelah aku menanti penuh kesabaran men'download' drama neh. Dapat jugak aku melayan 'Nodame Cantabile Shinshun Special in Europe' yang mempunyai 2 episod. Setiap episod lebih kurang 2 jam, maklumlah 'special' lah katakan hehe! Untuk special neh, aku bagi rating 4.5/5. Aku memang minat habis dengan special neh. Semua ada, lawak, sedih, gumbira & macam-macam lagi.. kira cukup rasa la.....^_^ kenapa ada 2 episod?? haaa... aku pun x pasti.. tetapi apa yang aku nampak, Episod 1 lebih banyak menceritakan tentang 'Shinichi Chiaki' yang memasuki pertandingan 'conductor' untuk menjadi seorang 'conductor' yang berjaya. Episod 2 pulak cerita berkenaan 'Noda Megumi a.k.a Nodame' yang memasuki ke Akademi Muzik baru di Europe untuk meneruskan pembelajaran pianonya. Nodame ingin sentiasa berada disisi 'Shinichi Chiaki a.k.a Chiaki Senpai' dan menyimpan impian agar suatu hari nanti beliau dapat bemain piano di konsert Orkestra yang diterajui oleh Chiaki Senpai sendiri, seperti kata Nodame, "Chiaki Senpai tu adalah Suaminya...." hahaha!
Details :
- Title: のだめカンタービレ 新春スペシャル IN ヨーロッパ
- Title (romaji): Nodame Cantabile Shinshun Special in Europe
- Episodes: 2
- Viewership ratings: 18.9 (1st), 21.0 (2nd)
- Broadcast period: 2008-Jan-04 and 2008-Jan-05
- Air time: Friday, Saturday 21:03
- Theme songs: Opening theme: Symphony No. 7 by Beethoven, arranged by Hattori Takayuki Ending theme: Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin, arranged by Hattori Takayuki
This 2 night special takes off during their graduation, where Chiaki-senpai & Nodame left for Europe. The first special centered on Chiaki’s story, the story tells about Chiaki’s dream to be a conductor. Nodame on the other hand attended the conservatory to attain her dream to one-day play the piano for Chiaki. After her hard work, Nodame was given a chance to have a mini recital. During the recital, Chiaki saw her worth and realized that he cannot go on with out her.
Cast :
- Ueno Juri as Noda Megumi aka Nodame
- Tamaki Hiroshi as Chiaki Shinichi
- Eita as Mine Ryutaro
- Mizukawa Asami as Miki Kiyora
- Koide Keisuke as Okuyama Masumi
- Wentz Eiji as Lantoine Frank
- Becky as Vishnyova Tanya
- Yamaguchi Sayaka as Namiki Yuko
- Giry Vincent (ジリ・ヴァンソン) as Jean Donnadieu
- Ishii Masanori as Katahira Hajime
- Fukushi Seiji as Kuroki Yasunori
- Takenaka Naoto as Franz Stresemann
- Kichise Michiko as Elize
- Yamada Yu as Son Rui (ep2)
- Ibu Masato as Mine Tatsumi
- Endo Yuya as Okochi Mamoru
- Kondo Koen as Tamaki Keiji
- Sakamoto Makoto as Hashimoto Yohei
- Matsuoka Rinako as Suzuki Moe
- Matsuoka Emiko as Suzuki Kaoru
- Kimura Ryo as Takahashi Noriyuki
- Hashizume Ryo as Kimura Tomohito
- Sakurai Chizu as Aizawa Maiko
- Yamanaka Takashi as Iwai Kazushi
- Kobayashi Kinako as Kinjo Shizuka
- Fukada Aki as Inoue Yuki

Credit to : http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Nodame_Cantabile
P/S : 'Nodame Cantabile The Movie : I & II' bila la aku nak dapat layan......hermmmm ^_^
P/S : 'Nodame Cantabile The Movie : I & II' bila la aku nak dapat layan......hermmmm ^_^
ada x link tuk tngok cite nodame special ni?
ReplyDeleteklu nk tgk dkt sini pown bleh --> http://www.dailymotion.com/sunshine200830
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